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Absolutely! Filing Articles (or Certificates) of Organization with your Secretary of State is, in most cases, not a wildly complicated endeavor. Online services are just very affordable time savers that can save you from common pitfalls and a lot of time researching things like the difference between a principal address and a business address. Good LLC formation services also help ensure your privacy by allowing you to use their address instead of yours wherever possible. They also offer fun free asides like annual report reminders.

You can operate as a sole proprietor without forming an LLC, but your personal assets will be exposed until your formation paperwork is submitted. For this reason, we recommend forming your LLC before you conduct business.

There are two costs to forming an LLC: • state fees • formation service or legal fees State fees are unavoidable and vary by state between $40(KY) and $500 (MA). Formation services charge to create the paperwork for your LLC and file that paperwork with the state. You can do this yourself, but the cost for their experienced help is relatively low (we know of two that are free), between $0-$300.

No, you don’t need to be in the United States to form an LLC. You don’t need to be an American Citizen, either. Just about anyone can form an LLC.

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