Northwest Registered Agent charges $125/year for registered agent services. They throw in the first year for free if you form your LLC through them. They also offer a multi-state discount for LLCs with registered agent needs in five states or more, which brings the cost down to $100 per year per state.
Northwest Registered Agent provides an annual report reminder through their client portal. Some companies do this same thing and charge extra for it, calling it a “compliance service”. But Northwest Registered Agent offers this at no charge to its registered agent clients.
Northwest Registered Agent charges $100 + state fees to create and file your annual report (per state).
Northwest Registered Agent includes in their registered agent service an annual report reminder, which is something other companies charge extra for. Registered in multiple states? No problem. You’ll get reminders for each state all under one account. This makes keeping up with all of your annual reports and their various due dates and costs easy. Most commercial registered agents do not offer this, which is a huge pro for Northwest Registered Agent registered agent services, in our opinion.
Northwest Registered Agent allows you to sign up for as many states as you want, all on the same form. They also let you manage all of those various registered agents under one account. We cannot over-emphasize the value of this. With most of Northwest Registered Agent’s competitors, you’ll have to sign up separately for each state that you’re registered in, and maintain a separate account for each as well.
Northwest Registered Agent does not sell your personal data. It’s stated plainly in their privacy policy. “We do not, and will not, sell your information to third parties.” This is quite different than the industry’s standard approach, which is to sell everything they can. It means a lot to us, it may mean a lot to you.
Most companies contract out registered agent service in the various states. Northwest Registered Agent, on the other hand, operates all their own. They do not hire their services out to third parties. This allows them to use their address in ways other sites cannot. In most cases, Northwest Registered Agent can use their address, not just as the registered agent address, but also as the Principle address and the organizing address on articles of organization. In many cases, this will allow you to leave your private address completely off the articles of organization.
Northwest Registered Agent is one of the best registered agents in the industry. They offer reasonable prices combined with excellent customer service and a great user interface for managing your account. Annual report reminders are included. You can use those reminders to file your own annual report or have them do it for you with just a few clicks.